We're nearing Halloween again, the time of the year where undead creatures are at the peak of their power! Once again the leaders of the Skeleton Dragons are banding together to scheme a rebellion and storm Auratia on Halloween Night - to stop them you must fight their Leaders to drain them of their power. Let's show Gairos, Lokfear and Handras where they belong!
This is a server-wide event. All players can help clear the specified goals to count toward the server-wide Milestones - however only players with active participation will be included in the Item Reward Payouts - meaning you need atleast 1 kill on any of the 3 Bosses specified to count towards the Event payout! (Easiest way to assure this is by running atleast a single "Shrine of Handras")
The Goals consist of defeating the following bosses during the Event Period:
Depending on what Milestones have been hit, you can collectively unlock Item Rewards and serverwide Lootbuffs:
The Event will run from the 11th of October until the 25th of October after Maintenance.
You do not need to send in screens of your kills, they will be logged in the background automatically. Please note, that one dungeon run for Handras or Gairos counts as 1 Kill no matter how many people are present. Only the Person dealing the killing blow will be logged as the "killer" for the evaluation, so running solo Dungeons is encouraged if you want to make sure you have your participation, at least for Shrine of Handras. The Dungeon Difficulty does not matter, easy and hardmode count the same.